We Can’t Take It With Us

by | Nov 21, 2016

PURPOSE: One of twelve MoneyMoves® cards, this practice states that we are merely Stewards of what we own. With this truth, ask yourself: what is the highest and best use of the money I steward?

Minute one: Bring your attention to the entire felt sense of your body.Notice where you feel a flow of energy and/or where you feel stagnant stuckness.

Minute two:Contemplate where you invest your money. Is it aligned with your values – creative, aware and progressive companies? Notice your body energy. Are you flowing or stagnant?

Minute three: Contemplate investing in your development. Do you invest in your education, family, and dreams? Notice your body energy. Are you flowing or stagnant?

Minute four: Contemplate how you invest for today and tomorrow. Do you save for mishaps and do you keep your financial agreements (paying off debt). Notice your body energy. Are you flowing or stagnant?

Minute five: Contemplate how you share your wealth in the world. What ways and where do you give to others? Notice your body energy. Are you flowing or stagnant?