PURPOSE: To dissipate fear and welcome connection. Special thanks to Katie Hendricks, The Foundation for Conscious Living, for creating fear-melters.

Minute one: Become awake to your unique signature fear response: fight, flee, freeze or faint. Pay attention to your reaction the next time you feel scared. (This in itself is a huge practice; be patient and spacious with yourself.)

Minute two: In a non-reactive state (meaning a time you are not scared), bring to mind your signature response (fight, flee, freeze or faint). Reflect on past experiences and recognize how your response manifests.

Minute three: Appreciate your way of responding. Appreciate your recognition of what is so.

Minute four: Become familiar with the fear-melter associated with your signature fear response. (Fight – Ooze, Flee – Summo, Freeze – Wiggle, Faint – Reach Out/Come Home)

Minute five: Practice your fear-melter response in a non-reactive state to create a body imprint of how to melt your fear. Become familiar with a direct response.

Complete this practice by committing to a new way of attending to fear with a fear-melter.