Where is your Wait Button?

by | Jan 19, 2015

PURPOSE: To access the part of you that is stuck in “wait” mode and say, “it’s OK. Move.”

PREPARATION: Comfortable clothing preferable.

Minute one: Get familiar with the reality of waiting for something before taking action. Bring to mind something that matters deeply to you. What is it you are waiting for related to this aspect of your life?

Minute two: Feel the totality of your body. Sense your belly area for a wait button located in fear and the waiting you do because you feel scared. Give your belly area attention and feel what arises.

Minute three: Return to your body and bring your awareness to the wait button in your chest area sensing sadness. What is the waiting you do because you feel sad? Give your heart your attention and feel what arises.

Minute four: Return to your body and bring your awareness to the wait button located in your neck and throat area. What do you wait to express?

Minute five: Return to your body and push your wait button. Ask your wait button if it is willing to release. Acknowledge yes or no.

Complete your practice by taking a step forward and releasing your wait button, moving toward what you want. It’s OK to move forward.

Daily 5 minute Practice: Practice Finding your Wait Button each day for 5 minutes. Soften your button so that it has room to move up and out and ready for expression.