Financial Fun … is there such a thing?

by | Aug 1, 2012

It is summer and the old song Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer is playing in my mind. Well, it arose when I thought about summer and summer fun. And one thought led to another which led to an inner longing I have held for far too many years. Perhaps it is my “7” on the enneagram that shines forth here – but I can’t help believing fervently that if the perspective on money could shift from fear to fun, the pains and struggles around money and finances would shift dramatically.

Delving in the lighter space of summer, I’m suggesting a new view around financial issues. Yes, money matters are important, but they do not require deadpan serious hard ways of approaching progress. In fact, in my experience, every time I approach any situation with the air of this is REALLY serious or this is going to be VERY hard, that is the environment created and the path endured. Try something new if you are interested in creating ease around your money and finances. Commit to Financial Fun. Stretch if you “need” to.

Consider one area of your money relationship that you’d like to improve, or even try – if you dare – an area that has held you captive for years. Note the issue you would like to address. Bring the issue to your mind and in your heart. Notice any sensations that arise in your body signifying that this issue is important and you have some feelings arising to support the significance. Allow breath to enter your body and give fresh space to what comes next.

State, out-loud, the following: “I commit to financial fun and the possibilities for (NAME YOUR ISSUE) to be filled with ease, joy and results.”

Continue to repeat this commitment until you sense in your heart, mind and body an alignment with this commitment.

Now, write down your specific issue and your intention related to this issue. For example: revolving short term debt (the issue) and “I easily pay off my short term debt without harm to my credit rating” (the intention).

Create a milestone (or milestones) for your issue. Using the same example above:

  • All credit cards are paid off.
  • Each month my credit cards are paid in full.
  • I only use credit cards for purchases that I deeply value.

If you are jiving with this process, continue until you create specific actions for each of the above milestones. And, here’s the most important part of this process, you create FUN throughout the entire experience. If at any time you fall back into old habits of drudgery, seriousness or difficulty, stop and recommit to having FUN.

Try this practice for at least a month, preferably three. At the end of your practice period, reflect on your experience. Compare and contrast your commitment to financial fun and the results you created to other periods in your money life without this commitment.

What happened?

What’s your preference?

What serves you best on your journey to financial fulfillment and maturity?