If you are Healthy, You’re Wealthy. Just sayin’…

by | Jun 3, 2012

(another aspect of getting financially fit)

Embodiment is a developed way of being through direct experience every moment and after many moments of practice. Embodiment is never more relevant than on the topic of health, which usually becomes apparent after one has experienced a minor or major health concern. Sometimes, practice can also be ignited when a loved one becomes ill and/or dies from poor health.

Health Wealth is an evolving embodiment of knowledge, practice and sustaining health of several facets, including the mind, body and spirit. In this article, I will focus on the body, recognizing that the body is not separate from mind and spirit. My intention is to bring more attention to the three facets of health related to the body to support your knowledge on the subject and inspire you to consider practices that will improve and sustain this aspect of a wealthy life.

Because, here’s the truth, nothing matters (money, material possessions, career, relationships, the past, the future) if your body is not physically healthy. Your body is the vessel that enables you to be in the world offering what you offer, doing what you do, being how you are and delighting with vigor. It is that simple.

We know this. I know this. You know this.

I had minor surgery on my foot over ten years ago. Walking was an easy activity for me until the surgery. Afterwards, having excruciating pain during and post recovery, I recognized the value I had on the ability to walk and how I had taken this simple activity (which supported my health) for granted. From that moment, I was keenly aware of anyone in a wheelchair, using a cane, struggling to take another step. This experience was a drop in the ocean offering me a chance to become aware of the value of my body, my heath wealth.

When we do not eat well, exercise, get sleep, breathe fresh air, drink clear fluids, decrease stress, our body uses a lot of energy to function. Over time, our body, just like any other system – think of automobile maintenance – becomes tired, clogged and rusty. In short, our body wears out. While genetics accounts for about 50% of health matters, we directly influence the other 50% with our habits, choices and intentions.

Regardless of the benefits of a more satisfying life, which for me is reason enough to change behavior, the effect on your financial picture is noteworthy. The costs of health care are staggering and growing. As we age, more and more of our disposable income is directed to health related issues. The current general figure directly related to preventable disease is 25 cents on every dollar spent. This means that you, I and the government spend 25% more on health care resulting from preventable illness.  I recall a presentation several years ago where the speaker said –“It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN, you get cancer, diabetes and/or Alzheimer’s.”  And up until that point in life, there are many warning signs and opportunities to shift or postpone that eventual outcome. There are many opportunities to decrease the excess going to health care. With US demographics pointing to an aging population, health care costs will only increase and this situation calls for your attention.

Consider your health right now. Let’s engage in lively play. How physically fit are you? You know all of the measurements and views, (i.e. BMI, resting heart rate, weight, exercise, eating habits, energy level, etc.)  What is one thing (just one) you could practice to improve your health that would add to the “bottom line” of your health wealth? If you knew this practice would save you money, enable you to enjoy life longer, be pain free longer – would you be willing to commit (and then recommit)?

If your answer is yes, experiment this summer with one practice that will support your health wealth.