What is Priceless?

by | Jan 18, 2012

What is priceless in life?  I wonder…

My 84 year old father sent me a comic strip cut out from his local newspaper; I received it in the mail along with a cute note of instructions to show to our pet cats, Angel and Marina.  After opening his letter– well there wasn’t a letter, just the comic strip with a note – I smiled and soaked in the preciousness of our simple connection and gesture that catalyzes joy.  You see, we send each other comic strips and interesting articles as a way of connecting.  Today, after a particularly crazy week, I welcomed the simplicity of his mail and count it as priceless. When we pause and reflect on the myriad aspects of life, there are too many to count that are priceless. But maybe this exercise is worthwhile. Maybe it’s time to recognize all of the priceless aspects of your life that don’t require money, only recognition.  Begin now, what is priceless in your life?

A letter with a comic strip is already in the mail to my dad.  I can’t wait for Sunday to find another, perfect comic.

What is priceless in your life?